A Labor of Love

Spoiler Alert! Wedding Favors Ahead

Today is a big day for me, and I have been working towards this day since November!  Many who know me well, know that hand-painting wine glasses has become a bit of a hobby for me. It is one of the many skills I haved added to my crafty resume in my life.  In the past, I’ve painted wine glasses for 3 bridal showers and as gifts for friends.  When it came time for my wedding, I always knew that I wanted to hand-paint champagne glasses for the favors for my guests, but a wedding is much larger than a shower!  I knew it wouldn’t be easy, and many people thought I was crazy for attempting it  (but remember #honeybajgierbridedontcare folks).  After months of painting, I am happy to report that I am finally DONE!  Continue reading

Knee Deep in Hydrangeas

If you ever wondered what it would look like to be knee deep in hydrangeas in your dining room, let me enlighten you. It’s pretty safe to say that with under 100 days to go, that the wedding has taken over our lives and our living space. I proudly present to you my wedding reception centerpieces.

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