Today is a big day for me, and I have been working towards this day since November! Many who know me well, know that hand-painting wine glasses has become a bit of a hobby for me. It is one of the many skills I haved added to my crafty resume in my life. In the past, I’ve painted wine glasses for 3 bridal showers and as gifts for friends. When it came time for my wedding, I always knew that I wanted to hand-paint champagne glasses for the favors for my guests, but a wedding is much larger than a shower! I knew it wouldn’t be easy, and many people thought I was crazy for attempting it (but remember #honeybajgierbridedontcare folks). After months of painting, I am happy to report that I am finally DONE! Continue reading →
If you ever wondered what it would look like to be knee deep in hydrangeas in your dining room, let me enlighten you. It’s pretty safe to say that with under 100 days to go, that the wedding has taken over our lives and our living space. I proudly present to you my wedding reception centerpieces.
Weddings have certainly become elaborate. There’s so much more to consider these days. Even my friends who got married a few mere years ago, didn’t have to worry about what their wedding hashtag was going to be. (FYI, we decided to go simple with #conroy&bajger2017, be sure to include this with your social media posts about our wedding. Of course the blog hashtag is much more playful #honeybajgerbridedont care). Another new wedding trend popping up all over Pinterest boards, is the bridesmaids proposal-where you present your bridesmaids with a cute gift when you ask her to be in your wedding. I thought it was a nice gesture, so I decided to jump on the bandwagon.
I saw two cute ideas that I liked, and I couldn’t decide, so I decided to do both. The first idea that I loved was glittery champagne bottles with a note “Now it’s my turn to pop the question”. I went out and bought mini pink champagne bottles, and all the supplies for my ombre glitter bottles.
I wanted to provide a link to the blog where I found the directions for the technique, but the blog is no longer up. The process went something like this:
Spray bottles with Elmer’s spray adhesive.
Glitter bottom to top. I started with gold on the bottom, and pink gold blend in the middle and pink on the top. I bought empty glitter shakers where I mixed equal parts gold and pink for the middle section.
Repeat steps 1 & 2
Spray with Martha Stewart Enamel Gloss.
I do think they turned out gorgeous if I do say so myself. They are my new obsession, and (spoiler alert), you may just get one of your own if you are staying at the hotel.
But, after doing some research I discovered that it is apparently illegal to send wine in the mail. This was a major bummer since I was mailing three of them out to my bridesmaids that aren’t local. I ended up eventually hand delivering the bottles to all of my bridesmaids.
Thankfully, the second part of my bridesmaid proposals was able to be mailed. I purchased heart shaped paper mache boxes from Pat Catans, and covered them in scrapbook paper, and embellished them with decorative tape and these adorable pearl mongram stickers. On the inside of the lid I wrote the note, and in the box was Ring Pop. What I loved about this idea was that it was kid-friendly, and we are having 3 Ring Bearers and 3 Flower Girls in the wedding! Here are some photos of the finished products.
Welcome to my Bridal Blog! You are probably wondering about the name. My fiancé’s last name is Bajgier, (which is Polish and means from Bavaria) and the American pronunciation is badger. You may have recalled a few years ago a viral YouTube video about the Honey Badger. If you have never seen it, you should check it out because it is pretty funny, but be warned it has a lot of disturbing visuals and is strewn with swear words. One of the lines in the video is “Honey Badger don’t care it just takes what it wants”. I thought the name of this blog would poke fun at my inner bridezilla, as I document the pursuit of my perfect wedding. You can follow my wedding planning journey on this blog and through social media by following the hashtag: #honeybajgierbridedontcare I will be posting about my various crafty, wedding projects along the way, enjoy!